
The Forest Research Institute, Dehradun is engaged in carrying out educational and research works on different aspects of forestry in the jurisdiction states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi. The Institute is involved in carrying out research in four Thrust Areas of Research (Ann.-I), one Thrust Area of Education (Ann.-I) and one Thrust Area of Extension of Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE). The Institute is also pursuing identified priority areas of research in 15 Research Initiatives (Themes) suggested by MoEF&CC. The Forest Research Institute, Deemed University is conducting four Master Degree courses and Ph.D. programmes in 23 different forestry related disciplines.



1.   To undertake and promote forestry research, education and extension, leading to scientific and sustainable management of forest resources.

2.   To provide scientific advice to the central and state governments  aiding  informed  decision  making  in matters  of  national  and  regional  importance  and  international commitments and to address forestry research needs.

3.   To provide technical assistance and material support to States, forest dependent communities, forest based industries, tree & NTFP growers and other stakeholders in their forestry based programmes for conservation and sustainable use of forest resources.

4.   To undertake research and provide research support to  stakeholders in the field of forest management and  silviculture of important species of forest and trees  outside forests.

5.   To undertake research on bio-prospecting of forest resources for eco-friendly product development for various  applications  along  with  conservation, propagation and sustainable harvest of NTFP and lesser known species.

6.   To undertake research and knowledge management on  aspects  of  forest  health  and  protection  including management and control of weeds and invasive species,  climate change mitigation and adaptation issues, forest   hydrology and forest fire.

7.   To  undertake  research  on  eco-restoration  and rehabilitation  of  mined  out  areas  &  other stressed/degraded/difficult sites.

8.   To undertake research on genetic improvement in important species of forest and trees outside forest for enhancement of productivity.

9.   To undertake research on properties of timber, timber identification,  wood  seasoning,  wood  preservation, wood composites, bamboo processing and utilization.

10.  To develop, upgrade and maintain the National Forest Library and Information Centre (NFLIC).

11.  To  develop  and  preserve  repositories  including herbarium, National Forest Insect Collection (NFIC) & Fungarium.

12.  To  develop,  upscale,  disseminate  and  share  of appropriate  technologies  to  end-users  through innovative extension strategies and capacity building programmes.

13.  To undertake all such activities as necessary, incidental and conducive to attainment of the objectives of the  Council.


Core Research Areas:

1- Biodiversity Assessment, Conservation & Development

2- Planting Stock Improvement

3- Control and Management of Forest Pathogens and Insect Pests

4- Natural Regeneration of Important Species

5- Management of Forest Invasive Species (FIS)

6- Sustainable Forest Management

7- Environmental Impact Assessment vis-a-vis Development

8- Impact of Climate Change & Carbon Sequestration in Forest Canopies

9- Environmental Amelioration, Urban Forestry & Trees Outside Forests

10- Bioremediation & Pollution Control

11- Eco-restoration of Degraded Forests

12- Soil and Water Conservation

13- Forest Products Development

14- Chemistry of NWFPs

15- Bio-fuel from Forests

16- Development of Agro- and Social Forestry Models & Participatory Forest Management


Geographical Jurisdiction:

Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh and Delhi


Key Achievements: (Click on link to view detail)

1-   Research

2-   Extension

3-   Education


Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects

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