List of papers published in International / National Journals 2003


Title of Papers


Journal Name

Page No.

Changes in entomofaunal diversity in litter ecosystem in relation to shifting cultivation practices. 

J. Prasanth Jacob, S. Chakrabarthi. D.K. Das, P.C. Sarma and D. Gurung

Paper presented in the National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and Participatory Forest Management. Calicut Kerala, India



Reclamation of mine spoils using Arbuscular mycorrhizal      fungi: A socio – environment friendly method.



South Asian Journal of Socio Political studies.

12(1) : 110 –114.

Influence of age on fibre and chemical characteristics of plantation crop of Bamboo.


Shanmughavel and A. Karthikeyan

East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal.

68(4): 165 – 168

Trichoderma viride a mycoparasite  for the control of Phytophthora cinnamomi. Indian Forester 129 (5) 631 - 634. 


A. Karthikeyan, Shailendra kumar and Surinder kumar

Indian Forester

129 (5) 631 - 634   

Coppicing ability of Casuarina junghuhniana Miq. provenances. 


Nicodemus, A., Varghese, M. and Nagarajan, B.



Diversity of insect pollinators of Tamarindus indica and need or conservation of wild species.

Sasidharan, K.R., Nagarajan, B., Varghese, M., Nicodemus, A., Mahadevan, N.P., Durai, A. and Gireesan, K


Journal of Palynology


Biometrical traits in teak plantations with varied stand density. 2003.


Saravanan, S., and Buvaneswaran, C.

Advances in Plant Sciences

Vol. 16(II), 2003.

Litter dynamics in relation to stand density in Teak (Tectona grandis) plantations.


Saravanan, S. and Buvaneswaran, C.

Advances in Plant Sciences

Vol. 16(1): 229-233.

Gloriosa superba L – cultivation in Tamil Nadu – A socioeconomic analysis.


Saravanan, S. and Buvaneswaran, C.

Advances in Plant Sciences

Vol. 16(1): 23-28.

Role of tree stands in the rehabilitation of degraded lands of Auroville, India.


Buvaneswaran, C., Saravanan. S., and Jambulingam. R.

Indian Journal of Forestry

Vol. 26(4): 333-338

Wind – An unfavourable factor for teak growth.


Saravanan, S and Buvaneswaran, C.

My Forest

Vol. 39(3): 247-249.

Marketing of NTFPs and functions of LAMPS’ in Salem district of Tamil Nadu – A case study.


Saravanan, S.

My Forest

Vol. 39(4): 395-403.

Cultivation of teak (Tectona grandis. L.f) in farmland under different agro climatic zones of Tamil Nadu – An analysis of ecological and economic factors.

Saravanan, S., George. M., and Buvaneswaran, C.

Proceedings of ‘Quality timber products of teak from sustainable forest management Edited by Bhat, K.M., Nair, K.K.N., Muralidharah, E.M and Sharma, J.K.


Pp: 561-570

Distribution of Rainfall Under Teak Plantation.


Buvaneswaran, C., George, M. and Mohan, S.

Indian Forester.

129(5): 571-577.

Establishment of seed Production area of Artocarpus hirsuta in Kerala

Maheshwar Hegde, Sekaran, S., Sivabalakrisnan, K., Palanisamy, K., Singh,B.G. and Siddappa



129: 1471-1478

Antifeedant and Antifungal compounds from Dirca palustris.

S. Murugesan, R.S. Ramsewak, W.J. Matison, M.G. Nair, C. Narayanan and V. Mohan (2003)


Indian Forester

129: 364-370.

Enhanced somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus).


Sumathi R, Malliga P, Yasodha R & Gurumurthi K

Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

4: 9-16.

Population Structure and Regeneration Status  of Some Threatened Medicinal Plants in Silentvalley Medicinal Plant Conservation Area (MPCA).

Kunhikannan, C.,          Dogra, R. K., Venkatasubramanian, N.  Sivalingam, R., Pramod Kumar, N.  and Salvi Thomas

Proceedings: Workshop on Conservation and Research Needs of the Rare, Endangered and Threatened (RET) tree species in Kerala part of the Western Ghats. 14th February, 2003,  Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi.



Clonal Propagation and Clonal Seed Orchard for Yield Improvement in Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss).


K.Palanisamy, Maheshwar Hegde, K.Gireesan and A.Durai

Indian forester

Vol.  129: 1211-1216

Conserving gene diversity while domesticating tropical forest trees

Varghese, M. 2003.

ENVIS Forestry Bulletin
Forest Research Institute, DehraDun



Conserving gene diversity while domesticating tropical forest trees

Varghese, M. 2003.

ENVIS Forestry Bulletin
Forest Research Institute, DehraDun



Screening for salt tolerance in clones of Casuarina equisetifolia

Warrier, K.C.S. and Venkataramanan, K.S.

National Seminar on Management of Degraded Forests for Productivity Enhancement and Carbon Sink Expansion.  Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur. January 15-16.



Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana on Forest seed pest Caryedon serratus and defoliator Myllocerus viridanus R.Raja Rishi, A.Balu and B.Sunitha

Paper presented in  the national conference on " Recent trends in insect control" held at Bharathiyar  University Jan 22-24, 2003.